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All functions there require Device owner or Profile owner. If not, OnwDroid will hide the entry

Wi-Fi Mac address

Device owner / Work profile(org)


This will show you the actual Wi-Fi Mac address of your device, not the randomized Mac


Preferential network service

Device owner(API33) / Work profile(API31)

TODO: show entrance when work profile, move this function to a separate page, see DevicePolicyManager#setpreferentialnetworkserviceconfigs

Lockdown admin configured network

Device owner / Work profile(org)


Control whether the user can change networks configured by the admin. When this lockdown is enabled, the user can still configure and connect to other Wi-Fi networks, or use other Wi-Fi capabilities such as tethering.

Minimum Wi-Fi security level

Device owner / Work profile(org)


Specify the minimum security level required for Wi-Fi networks. The device may not connect to networks that do not meet the minimum security level. If the current network does not meet the minimum security level set, it will be disconnected.

Security levels:

  • Open
  • WEP, WPA(2)-PSK
  • WPA3-192bit

Wi-Fi SSID policy

Device owner / Work profile(org)


Wi-Fi SSID policy specifies the SSID restriction the network must satisfy in order to be eligible for a connection.


  • None
  • Blacklist
  • Whitelist

Private DNS

Device owner


You can set private DNS mode to auto

Sets the Private DNS mode to opportunistic

In this mode, the DNS subsystem will attempt a TLS handshake to the network-supplied resolver prior to attempting name resolution in cleartext.

Sets the Private DNS host

It will perform a connectivity check to the resolver, to ensure it is valid.

In case a VPN is used in conjunction with Private DNS resolver, the Private DNS resolver must be reachable both from within and outside the VPN. Otherwise, the device may lose the ability to resolve hostnames as system traffic to the resolver may not go through the VPN.

TODO: set host in coroutine

Device owner


  • No proxy
  • PAC proxy
  • Direct proxy

This proxy is only a recommendation and it is possible that some apps will ignore it.

Network log

This function is not available now

Device owner / Work profile


Use this function in work profile will only retrieve network logs in work profile

There shouldn't be unaffiliated user on this device if used by Device owner

Network logs contain DNS lookup and connect() library call events.


Wi-Fi keypair

Device owner / Profile owner


Add Wi-Fi authenticating keypair

Useless for most people

TODO: catch IllegalArgumentException

Override APN settings

Device owner


I know nothing about APN and carrier settings, so I can't test this function. If you can use it or you can't use it, open a issue to tell me